Crinuța Dumitrean, fosta sefa a ANRP, a fost acuzata si arestata pentru fapte de coruptie comise in timp ce era sefa ANRP, in acelasi dosar in care a fost arestata si sefa DIICOT, Alina Bica.
Conform sursei,
"Crinuța Dumitrean, fost președinte al Autorității Naționale pentru Restituirea Proprietăților (ANRP), pusă sub acuzare în dosarul în care este implicată și Alina Bica, a fost arestată preventiv pentru 30 de zile, a decis marți Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție.
Potrivit unui comunicat al DNA, la data de 15 martie 2011, Crinuța Dumitrean, în calitate de președinte al Comisiei Centrale pentru Stabilirea Despăgubirilor din ANRP, împreună cu ceilalți membri ai comisiei, prin exercitarea abuzivă a atribuțiilor de serviciu, au aprobat, în unanimitate, raportul de evaluare întocmit de expertul evaluator Emil Nuțiu, prin care a fost stabilită valoarea de 377.282.300 lei pentru terenul în suprafață de 13 hectare, prin supraevaluarea acestuia, ceea ce a condus la un prejudiciu de 263.327.559 lei (echivalentul a 62.548.113 euro, reprezentând supraevaluarea).".
Institutiile statului apreciaza si judeca faptele de coruptie comise de Crinuța Dumitrean. Dar sintetizeaza si judeca vreo instituttie a statului contextul in care Crinuța Dumitrean a ajuns sa fie sefa la ANRP? Sintetizeaza si judeca vreo instituttie a statului modul extrem de facil in care persoane cu functii inalte ajung sa creeze din pix pagube de zeci de milioane de euro?
Verifica cineva modul in care numeroase persoane ajung in functii inalte pentru a se dovedi a fi apoi mari infractori?
Nu cumva tot traseul de pregatire profesionala al acestor elite indoielnice si infractionale este la fel de usor masluibil si falsificabil, ca o restituire la ANRP?
Din moment ce din pix se produc cu usurinta pagube de zeci de milioane de euro, pare o suspiciune rezonabila si o joaca de copii sa se falsifice intreg traseul de pregatire profesionala al elitelor infractionale, daca exista in spatele lor persoane interesate sa le sustina si sa le promoveze. Nu neaparat in sensul ca se falsifica diplome, ci in sensul ca se asigura un traseu de pregatire si accesul la pregatire celor favorizati in mod intentionat in defavoarea celor care, sa zicem, "nu prezinta garantii".
Eu nu sunt jurnalist, deci nu am acces si nu pot verifica informatii relevante pentru modul de functionare al invatamantului romanesc. Dar pot propune o intrebare simpla jurnalistilor profesionisti si independenti (in caz ca mai exista asa ceva in Romania agentilor si turnatorilor acoperiti): sefii de promotie din unitatile de invatamant superior beneficiaza din oficiu de sprijinul institutiiilor statului sau al patronatelor pentru acces la locuri de munca de importanta superioara si la formare profesionala superioara ulterioara?
Pentru ca, daca nu este asa, rezulta ca pilele si nu cei mai merituosi fac legea in Romania.
In continuare, am rascolit sumar internetul ca sa vad ce date exista despre pregatirea profesionala, despre traseul profesional si despre problemele Crinuței Dumitrean. Am gasit urmatoarele.
1. Conform sursei, rezulta urmatoarele:
1.a. Traseu profesional pana la momentul ANRP: "Nascuta in 1974, incepand cu anul 1998, Dumitrean a lucrat 5 ani in mediul privat in Romania si in America, dar si la Distrigaz Bistrita, dupa care a intrat in Ministerul Integrarii Europene, in functia de consilier negociator, in anul 2003, in timpul guvernarii Nastase. In 2006, in guvernarea Tariceanu, a devenit director la Agentia de Plati si Interventie in Agricultura (APIA), cu atributii anti-frauda, iar in anul 2009, in guvernarea Boc, a ajuns vicepresedinte, cu rang de subsecretar de stat, la Institutul National de Administratie, de la Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor.
In octombrie 2009, premierul Emil Boc a numit-o pe Dumitrean presedinta a Autoritatii Nationale pentru Restituirea Proprietatilor (ANRP), cu rang de secretar de stat. Potrivit presei locale bistritene, Crinuta Dumitrean s-a bucurat atunci de sprijinul lui Ioan Oltean, pe atunci vicepresedinte al PDL si presedinte al PDL Bistrita-Nasaud.
In octombrie 2011, Boc a eliberat-o pe Crinuta Dumitrean din functia de la ANRP, la cererea ei. Demisia ei de la conducerea ANRP a venit dupa ce, la sfarsitul lunii august 2011, vicepresedintele ANRP de atunci, Remus Virgil Baciu, a fost arestat preventiv pentru trafic de influenta. In aprilie 2014, Baciu avea sa primesca 5 ani de puscarie cu executare, pentru trafic de influenta. In august 2011, el a luat mita 270.000 de euro de la 3 petente pe care le-a favorizat in a obtine mai rapid depagubiri pentru un teren de 7.100 mp din Bucuresti.
In perioada in care conducea ANRP, Crinuta Dumitrean a facut parte din Comisia Centrala pentru Stabilirea Despagubirilor (CCSD) din cadrul Autoritatii, care a stabilit despagubirile pentru omul de afaceri Stelian Gheorghe, zis "Stelu". Potrivit Directiei Nationale Anticoruptie, "Stelu" si inca 2 oameni de afaceri (Valentin Visoiu, Adrian Andrici) au primit de la stat despagubiri umflate cu 62 de milioane de euro prin decizia comisie din care facea parte Dumitrean. Alaturi de ea, in comisie mai erau Alina Bica, cea care avea sa ajunga in 2013 sefa DIICOT, actual deputat Catalin Teodoroescu (PDL), precum si Remus Baciu, cel care avea sa fie apoi condamnat la 5 ani de inchisoare in alt dosar.".
1.b. Pregatirea profesionala: "Si la capitolul studii, Crina Nicoleta Dumitrean are un CV bogat. Ea a terminat Facultatea de Management la ASE Bucuresti, in 1997, iar in 2004 si-a luat licenta si in Drept, la Universitatea Ecologica, privata. In anul 2009, Dumitrean si-a luat si doctoratul, in Doctrine Economice, la Universitatea Babes Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca. Ea mai are doua masterate si cateva diplome de studii post-universitare, printre care unul la Colegiul National de Aparare.".
1.c. Averea: "Referitor la averea sa, Crina Dumitrean a intrat in ANRP avand deja o avere maricica, la varsta de 35 de ani: teren intravilan de 1000 mp in Voluntari, judetul Ilfov, cumparat in 2009, precum si 66.000 mp de teren agricol in Afumati, Dascalu si Tunari, din acelasi judet.
Ea mai avea o garsoniera (32 mp) din un apartament (85 mp) in Bucuresti, cumparate in 2001, respectiv 2006. Cand a preluat presedintia ANRP, Crinuta Dumitrean avea su un audi A4 (fabricatie 2001) si un BMW (fabricatie 2006), dar si datorii de 15.000 de euro.
Dupa cei doi ani in fruntea Restituirii proprietatilor, Crinuta Dumitrean si-a amintit ca mai avea ceva pamant, pe care nu l-a trecut si in declaratia de avere din octombrie 2009. Astfel, in noua sa declaratie, din noiemnrie 2011, figureaza 1.675 mp de intravilan in Voluntari, cumparat in perioada 2006-2009. Coroborand cu declaratia cealalta, rezulta inca 675 mp de teren intravilan cumparat in perioada 2006-2008. De asemenea, in declaratia de avere din octombrie 2009 ea declarase ca are in Dascalu 34.600 mp de teren agricol cumparati in anul 2006, pentru ca in februarie 2010 pamantul de la Dascalu sa masoare 42.000 mp, cumparati in perioada 2006-2009.".
1.d. Incompatibilitate: "ANI a gasit-o pe fosta sefa de la Restituirea proprietatilor cu 150.000 de euro avere in plus fata de cat putea sa agoniseasca din veniturile declarate. Agentia a sesizat atunci Comisia de cercetare a averilor de pe langa Curtea de Apel Bucuresti.
Dupa proces, Dumitrean a fost declarata in stare de incompatibilitate, prin decizia definitiva si irevocabila a Inaltei Curti de Casatie si Justitie, in iunie 2014.".
2. Sursa se intreba:
"Fac precizarea că nu mă deranjează, dar nici nu mă interesează multiplele specializări ale conjudeţencei noastre atît de performantă la 36 de ani, încît a rămas numită în funcţia de secretar de stat la ANRP, decît în măsura în care mi-am pus o întrebare aproape retorică, de felul: cînd a avut timp să le facă pe toate? Şi să fie performantă, şi să muncească, şi să înveţe, şi să facă politică la nivel înalt, şi să adune proprietăţi? E cam tînără!".
Conform sursei, a avut urmatoarele studii si activitati complementare, pe langa marile functii de baza pe care le-a avut:
"Alte cursuri şi activităţi
- Speaker la Conferinţa internaţională privind problematica restituirii proprietăţilor şi a acordării compensaţiilor băneşti din perspectiva jurisprudenţei C.E.D.O., organizată de Ministerul Afacerilor Externe. Tema alocuţiunii susţinute - “Restituirea proprietăţilor preluate în mod abuziv în perioada regimului totalitar comunist şi mecanismul de acordare a despăgubirilor”, Bucureşti, 17 februarie 201
- Speaker la conferinţa internaţionalăEuropean Integration - New Challenges ce a avut loc la Oradea Facultatea de Economie, Universitatea din Oradea. Tema lucrarii susţinute alături de Octavian Jula – „INVESTMENT IN HUMAN CAPITAL - AN INVESTMENT IN FUTURE”, 28 - 29 mai 2010
- Stagiu de practică privind segmentul- „Asistenţa în întărirea reţelei furnizorilor de formare (CINAQ), Madrid, Spania- 2009
- Seminar- „European Reciprocal Training for the National Institute of Administration”, Berlin, Germania- 2009
- Seminar- „DISPA (The Directors of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration), Praga, Cehia- 2009
- Seminar- „European Reciprocal Training for the National Institute of Administration”- Stockholm, Suedia- 2009
- Seminar- „Proprieties for 2009 and beyond- what are the implication on the EU buget”- Parlamentul European, Bruxelles, Belgia- 2009
- Seminar- Research Sustainable Development in the Field of Romanian Renewable Energy “Toward a coherent energy policy in the frame of climate change and sustainable”, Parlamentul European, Begia-2009
- Seminar „Fonduri structurale contra schimbărilor climatice”, Parlamentul European, Bruxelles, Belgia-2008
- Seminar - tema imigratiei „Europe beyond the dream”, Parlamentul European, Bruxelles- Belgia-2008
- Pieţele Agricole în perspectiva aderării la UE – Academia Română, Bucureşti 2005
- PAC în contextul politicilor de dezvoltare ale României – Academia Română, Bucureşti 2005
- UEM – provocare pentru sistemul bancar – BNR, Bucureşti 2004
- Politici industriale şi de dezvoltare – rolul IMM-urilor – MIMMC şi Academia Română, Bucureşti 200
- Pieţe Monetare şi financiare – instrumente şi impactul lor asupra economiei – ASE, Bucureşti 2003
- Sistemul bancar şi economia reală– ASE, Bucureşti 2003
- Globalizare şi integrare europeană– Premise, oportunităţi, provocări – ASE, Bucureşti 2003
- Integrarea Europeanăîntre provocare şi realitate. O perspectivă economică, politică şi socială– ASE, Bucureşti 2003
Atestate şi specializări
- ECDL – „Permisul European de Conducere a Computerului” , Bucureşti, România, 2007
- Curs pentru funcţionarii publici din România „Comisia Europeanăpentru Democraţie prin Drept”, Trieste, Italia, 2006
- Curs limba engleză: Colegiul Truman Chicago, USA, 2002; Bucureşti, România, 2006
- Program de Perfecţionare a funcţionarului public „Integrarea României în UE”- Institutul de Politici Europene-Berlin, Germania, 2005
- Curs de instruire a funcţionarilor publici „Construire lărgităa Europei – Aderarea României la UE”, Roma, Italia, 2005
- Curs de instruire a funcţionarilor publici„ UNIDEM CAMPUS - CONSILIUL EUROPEI ”- Academia Diplomaţilor - Bucureşti, 2005
- Curs de instruire a funcţionarilor publici„ Impactul privind lărgirea UE cu noile state membre’’- Şcoala de Management Trieste, ITALIA, 2005
- Program de Perfecţionare „Managementul relaţiilor publice’’, Mangalia, România 2005
- Program de Perfecţionare:„ Managementul proiectelor şi programelor”, Braşov, România 2004
- Program de Perfecţionare:„ Managementul schimbării şi integrarea europeană”, Mangalia, România 2004
- Curs limba franceză: Institutul Francez-Bucureşti 2004
- Curs de Marketing şi management în afaceri - Colegiu Truman Chicago U.S.A. 2002
- Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice în probleme de marketing - Academia de Ştiinţe Economice, Bucuresti 1999"!
In plus, mai este scris ca Crinuta Dumitrean a tot invatat la nivel superior (dupa terminarea liceului) din 1993 pana in 2010! Daca adaugam si scoala generala si liceul, aceasta doamna a invatat vreo 30 de ani! Cu ce eficienta?
3. In ciuda cursurilor, atestatelor, specializarilor si activitatilor, conform sursei,
"Premierul Emil Boc a eliberat-o din functie pe Crinuta Dumitrean de la sefia Autoritatii Nationale pentru Restituirea Proprietatilor (ANRP), dupa ce aceasta si-a dovedit incompetenta in a rezolva greaua sarcina a despagubirii fostilor proprietari ale caror bunuri au fost confiscate de comunisti. In locul ei a fost numita Dorina Danielescu, fost procuror sef la DIICOT Ploiesti, care trebuie sa refaca imaginea ANRP, afectata de scandaluri de coruptie, ultimul fiind cel al vicepresedintelui Remus Baciu, arestat pentru trafic de influenta.
Pana acum, la conducerea ANRP s-au perindat trei “doamne” mai mult sau mai putin competente, insa toate cu sustinere politica.
Institutia a fost infiintata in 2005 de premierul Calin Popescu Tariceanu, care a impus-o pe Ingrid Zaarourla la sefia institutiei. A urmat Anca Oprea (PSD) si Crinuta Dumitrean (venita de la organizatia PDL de Bistrita, pe filiera lui Ioan Oltean).
Daca “Crinuta” nu s-a descurcat mai deloc la ANRP, desi avea studii de economie si chiar un doctorat la Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, ne intrebam ce va face “Dorina”, cand va trebui sa decida cine trebuie sa primeasca actiuni la Fondul Proprietatea.".
Cam asta e cu Crinuta Dumitrean. A invatat mult si a tot fost trimisa sa tot studieze. In final s-a dovedit a fi o infractoare de "elita". De curiozitate, totusi, a fost Crinuta Dumitrean sefa de promotie la ASE la Management, Marketing in 1997? Pentru ca, daca nu a fost, de ce a fost ea beneficiara atator cursuri de pregatire ulterioara? De ce nu a beneficiat de asa ceva cea mai valoroasa persoana din facultate in acel moment? Din pacate, pe internet nu am gasit informatia referitoare la seful de promotie de la ASE, Management, Marketing 1997! Totusi, imi imaginez ca Crinuta Dumitrean ar fi mentionat in uriasul CV si faptul ca a fost sef de promotie, daca era adevarat acest lucru.
Ca o concluzie, statul roman a investit o gramada de bani si timp intr-o persoana care s-a dovedit a fi o infractoare.
Persoane mult mai capabile (dupa parerea mea) decat Crinuta Dumitran nu au beneficiat de aceeasi egalitate de sanse si tratament. De exemplu, Dumitru Caruntu, sef de promotie al Facultatii TCM in anul 1988, a fost tratat mai degraba ca neica nimeni de statul roman. Nici nu a beneficiat de pregatirea lu' Peste de dupa facultate, nici nu a ajuns mare sef pe la vreo firma din domeniul constructiilor de masini. Asa ca la un moment dat in viata lui a emigrat in SUA si a ajuns profesor undeva in statul american Texas.
Conform site-ului, anonimul (pentru romani) domn Dumitru Caruntu (sef de promotie al Facultatii TCM in anul 1988) primeste un salariu anual de $82,251!!!
Deci, circa 82.000 de dolari anual, adica aproape 7.000 de dolari lunar. Aviz cadrelor din invatamantul romanesc!
Daca tot am pierdut vremea cu studiile si performantele Crinutei Dumitrean, sa vedem in continuare performantele profesionale ale domnului Dumitru Caruntu, un anonim pentru romani. Chiar daca se lungeste articolul si cei mai multi cititori vor simti dureri de cap pentru ca nu vor intelege mai nimic citind cele de mai jos (daca vor avea rabdarea), eu consider ca merita chiar si asa sa fie mentionate urmatoarele (sursa:
"Dumitru I. Caruntu, PhD, PE
Associate Professor and Director of Biomechanics Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Department,
College of Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Texas-Pan American,
1201 W. University Drive, Edinburg, TX 78541
Phone: (956) 665-2079 Fax: (956) 665-3527
Email: ,
Journal papers: (Google Scholar Dr. Caruntu's Citations)
1. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2014, MEMS cantilever resonators under soft AC voltage of frequency near natural frequency, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control doi: 10.1115/1.4028887
2. Caruntu, D.I., Martinez, I., 2014, Reduced order model of parametric resonance of electrostatically actuated MEMS cantilever resonators, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 66, 28-32.
3. Caruntu, D.I., Luo, L., 2014, Frequency response of primary resonance of electrostatically actuated CNT cantilevers, Nonlinear Dynamics 78, 1827-1837.
4. Caruntu, D.I., Luo, L., 2014, Erratum to: Frequency response of primary resonance of electrostatically actuated CNT cantilevers, Nonlinear Dynamics 78, 1839-1841.
5. Caruntu, D.I., Taylor, K.N., 2014, Bifurcation type change of AC electrostatically actuated MEMS resonators due to DC voltage, Shock and Vibration, Article ID 542023, 9 pages.
6. Caruntu, D.I., 2013, Eigenvalue singular problem of factorized fourth-order self-adjoint differential equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation 224, 603-610.
7. Caruntu, D.I., Martinez, I., Taylor, K.N., 2013, Voltage-Amplitude Response of Alternating Current Near Half Natural Frequency Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Resonators, Mechanics Research Communications 52, 25– 31. 6th of Top 25 Science Direct, 5th of Top 25 Science Direct, 17th of Top 25 Science Direct for full year 2013.
8. Caruntu, D.I., Martinez, I., Knecht, M.W., 2013, ROM analysis of frequency response of AC near half natural frequency electrostatically actuated MEMS cantilevers, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 8, 031011-1 - 031011-6.
9. Padron, S.,Fuentes, A.A., Caruntu, D.I., Lozano, K., 2013, Experimental study of nanofiber production through forcespinning, Journal of Applied Physics 113, 024318,
10. Caruntu, D.I., 2013, Factorization of self-adjoint ordinary differential equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation 219, 7622-7631.
11. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2011, On nonlinear response near half natural frequency of electrostatically actuated microresonators, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 11 (4), 641-672.
12. Caruntu, D.I., 2009, Dynamic modal characteristics of transverse vibrations of cantilevers of parabolic thickness, Mechanics Research Communications 33 (3), 391-404. 1st of Top 25 Science Direct , 4th of Top 25 Science Direct
13. Caruntu, D.I., 2007, Classical Jacobi polynomials, closed-form solutions for transverse vibrations, Journal of Sound and Vibration 306 (3-5), 467-494.
14. Caruntu, D.I., 2005, Self-adjoint differential equations for classical orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 180 (1), 107-118. 5th of Top 25 Science Direct
15. Caruntu, D.I. and Hefzy, M.S., 2004, 3-D anatomically based dynamic modeling of the human knee to include tibio-femoral and patello-femoral joints, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 126 (1), 44-53.
16. Hefzy, M.S., Ebraheim, N., Mekhail, A., Caruntu, D.I., Lin, H., Yeasting, R., 2003, Kinematics of the human pelvis following open book injury, Medical Engineering and Physics 25 (4), 259-274. 17th of Top 25 Science Direct.
17. Caruntu, D.I., 2000, On nonlinear vibration of nonuniform beam with rectangular cross-section and parabolic thickness variation, Solid Mechanics and its Applications 73, 109-118, © Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.
18. Caruntu, D.I., 1998, Transverse vibrations of an annular plate of parabolical thickness, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Série de Mécanique Appliquée 43 (1), 127-132, © Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest.
19. Caruntu, D.I., 1996, Relied studies on factorization of the differential operator in the case of bending vibration of a class of beams with variable cross-section, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Série de Mécanique Appliquée 41 (5-6), 389-397, © Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest.
20. Caruntu, D.I., 1996, On bending vibrations of some kinds of beams of variable cross-section using orthogonal polynomials, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Série de Mécanique Appliquée 41 (3-4), 265-272, © Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest.
21. Caruntu, D.I., 1999, Free vibrations of a gear tooth (Vibratiile libere ale dintelui de roata dintata cu dantura dreapta), Constructia de Masini 51 (4), 18-21, © Technical Publishing House, Bucharest (Romanian).
22. Caruntu, D.I., 1998, On bending vibration of nonuniform beam of constant breadth and parabolic thickness variation and with a sharp end, Tehnologii Calitate Masini Materiale 33, 33-38, © Technical Publishing House, Bucharest.
23. Caruntu, D.I., 1997, On transverse vibrations of rotating nonuniform beams (Asupra vibratiilor transversale in miscarea de rotatie a barelor neuniforme), Studii si Cercetari de Mecanica Aplicata 56 (5-6), 327-335, © Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest (Romanian).
24. Caruntu, D.I., 1997, On transverse vibrations of a class of annular plates. Boundary cases (Asupra vibratiilor transversale ale unei clase de placi inelare. Cazuri de rezemare), Studii si Cercetari de Mecanica Aplicata 56 (1-2), 61-68, © Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest (Romanian).
25. Stroe, I., Ceausu, V., and Caruntu, D.I., 1997, Resonance behavior of rotating machinery (Functionarea masinilor rotative in zona de rezonanta), Studii si Cercetari de Mecanica Aplicata si Electromecanica, 1-Mecanica Aplicata, 116-119, © University of Pitesti, Pitesti, Romania.
26. Caruntu, D.I., 1996, On transverse vibrations of nonuniform beams of circular cross-section. Factorization method (Asupra vibratiilor transversale ale barelor neuniforme cu sectiune circulara. Metoda factorizarii), Studii si Cercetari de Mecanica Aplicata 55 (3-4), 241-248, © Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest (Romanian).
27. Caruntu, D.I., 1996, Free bending vibrations of nonuniform beam of rectangular cross-section of parabolic thickness variation (Vibratiile libere ale barelor neuniforme parabolice cu sectiune dreptunghiulara), Tehnologii Calitate Masini Materiale 19, 124-30, © Technical Publishing House, Bucharest (Romanian).
28. Stroe, I., and Caruntu, D.I., 1995, The influence of cross-section rotation and boundary conditions on bending vibrations of beams (Influentele rotirii sectiunii si conditiilor de rezemare asupra vibratiilor de incovoiere ale barelor drepte), Studii si Cercetari de Mecanica Aplicata 54 (5-6), 491-500, © Romanian Academy Press (Romanian).
29. Caruntu, D.I., Hefzy, M.S., Goel, V.K., Goitz, H.T., Dennis M.J. and Agrawal, V., 2003, Modeling the knee joint in deep flexion: Thigh and Calf Contact, Proceedings of 2003 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 459-460, © The Summer Bioengineering Conference Committee.
Conference papers:
1. Caruntu, D.I., Granados, E., 2014, IMECE2014-39414 Dynamic Test for Human Knee Ligament Structure Assessment, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2014, November 14-20, Montreal, Canada.
2. Caruntu, D.I., Oyervides, R., 2014, IMECE2014-38294 ROM of Primary Resonance of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS/NEMS Plates, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2014, November 14-20, Montreal, Canada.
3. Caruntu, D.I., Reyes, C., 2014, IMECE2014-38239 Voltage Response of MEMS Resonators Under Simultaneous Resonances, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2014, November 14-20, Montreal, Canada.
4. Caruntu, D.I., Reyes, C., 2014, IMECE2014-38217 ROM of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Resonators under Simultaneous Resonances, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2014, November 14-20, Montreal, Canada.
5. Caruntu, D.I., Reyes, C., 2014, DSCC2014-6313 Simultaneous Resonance of Soft AC Doubly Actuated MEMS Resonators, Proceedings of 2014 Dynamic Systems & Control Conference, Oct 22-24, San Antonio, TX.
6. Caruntu, D.I., Oyervides, R., 2014, DSCC2014-6277 Primary Resonance Voltage Response of Electrostatically Actuated M/NEMS Circular Plate Resonators, Proceedings of 2014 Dynamic Systems & Control Conference, Oct 22-24, San Antonio, TX.
7. Caruntu, D.I., Oyervides, R., 2014, DETC2014-35496 Primary Resonance of MEMS/NEMS Circular Plate Biosensors, ASME 2014 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2014, August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, NY.
8. Caruntu, D.I., Granados, E., Gomez, R., 2014, DETC2014-35492 Influence of Knee Ligament Structure Viscoelaticity on Dynamic Tests, ASME 2014 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2014, August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, NY.
9. Caruntu, D.I., Reyes, C., 2014, DETC2014-34073 Simultaneous Resonances of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Resonators, ASME 2014 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2014, August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, NY.
10. Caruntu, D.I., Oyervides, R., 2014, D-14-1136 Reduced Order Model of MEMS Circular Plates Under Soft AC Actuation, Proceedings of 17th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Michigan State University, June 15-20, East Lansing, MI.
11. Caruntu, D.I., Fathelden, M., 2013, IMECE2013-64067 Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Cantilevers of Linear Thickness Variation, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2013, November 15-21, San Diego, CA.
12. Caruntu, D.I., Luo, L., IMECE2013-64075 Reduced Order Model of CNT Cantilever Resonators Under AC Voltage Near Half Natural Frequency, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2013, November 15-21, San Diego, CA.
13. Caruntu, D.I., Granados, E., Martinez, T., IMECE2013-64078 Nonlinear Dynamics of Ligament Deficient Knees in Proximal-DistalTibial Oscillatory Motion, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2013, November 15-21, San Diego, CA.
14. Caruntu, D.I., Martinez, T., Granados, E., IMECE2013-66111 Frequency Response of Ligament Deficient Knees in Anterior-Posterior Drawer Test, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2013, November 15-21, San Diego, CA.
15. Caruntu, D.I., Luo, L., 2013, DSCC2013-3922 Reduced Order Model of Parametric Resonance of Electrostatically Actuated CNT Cantilever Resonators, Proceedings of 2013 Dynamic Systems & Control Conference, Oct 21-23, Stanford University, Munger Center, Palo Alto, CA.
16. Caruntu, D.I., Martinez, I., Luo, L., Fathelden, M., Reyes, C., 2013, DETC2013-12432 ROM of Primary Resonance Amplitude-Voltage Response of MEMS Cantilevers, ASME 2013 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2013, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, OR.
17. Caruntu, D.I., Luo, L., 2013, DETC2013-12433 Reduced Order Model of Electrostatically Actuated Carbon Nanotube Cantilever Biosensors for Primary Resonance, ASME 2013 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2013, 7th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems (MNS), August 4-7, 2013, Portland, OR.
18. Caruntu, D.I., Luo, L., CanCNSM2013-800 Voltage Response of Electrostatically Actuated Carbon Nanotube Cantilever Resonators, Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, July 23-26, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
19. Caruntu, D.I., Luo, L., Reyes, C., CanCNSM2013-826 Casimir Effect on Electrostatically Actuated NEMS, Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, July 23-26, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
20. Caruntu, D.I., Luo, L., 2012, IMECE2012-85968 Reduced Order Model of Electrostatically actuated CNT Cantilever Resonators, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2012, Nov 9-15, Houston, TX.
21. Caruntu, D.I., Taylor, K.N., 2012, IMECE2012-85966 Reduced Order Model of Electrostatically Actuated Coupled MEMS Parallel Cantilever Resonators, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2012, Nov 9-15, Houston, TX.
22. Caruntu, D.I., Martinez, I., 2012, IMECE2012-85963 Reduced Order Model for Near Natural Frequency Resonance of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Resonators, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2012, Nov 9-15, Houston, TX.
23. Padron, S., Caruntu, D.I., 2012, IMECE2012-85964 Influence of Viscosity on Forcespinning Dynamics, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2012, November 9-15, Houston, TX.
24. Caruntu, D.I., Taylor, K., 2012, DSCC2012-8828 Amplitude-Voltage Response of MEMS Cantilever Resonators under Soft DC-AC Voltage Near Natural Frequency, Proceedings of 2012 Dynamic Systems & Control Conference, Oct 17-18, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
25. Caruntu, D.I., Martinez, I., 2012, DSCC2012-8829 Reduced Order Model for Amplitude-Voltage Response of MEMS Cantilever Resonators Under Soft AC Near Natural Frequency, Proceedings of 2012 Dynamic Systems & Control Conference, Oct 17-18, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
26. Caruntu, D.I., Taylor, K., 2012, DETC2012-71535 Nonlinear Dynamics of Electrostatically Actuated Coupled MEMS Parallel Cantilever Resonators, ASME 2012 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2012, 24th Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB), Aug 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL.
27. Caruntu, D.I., Martinez, I., Knecht, M.W., 2012, DETC2012-70326 Reduced Order Model of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Resonators Resonance Near Half Natural Frequency, ASME 2012 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2012, 24th Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB), Aug 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL.
28. Caruntu, D.I., Luo, L., 2012, DETC2012-70324 Resonance Near Half Natural Frequency of Electrostatically actuated CNT Cantilever for Bio-Sensing Applications, ASME 2012 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2012, 6th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems (MNS), Aug 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL.
29. Caruntu, D.I., Alvarado, I., 2011, IMECE2011-63798 Influence of van der Waals Forces on Electrostatically Actuated MEMS/NEMS Circular Plates, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2011, Nov 11-17, Denver, CO.
30. Padron, S., Caruntu, D.I., Lozano, K.., 2011, IMECE2011-64823 On 2D Forcespinning Modeling, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2011, Nov 11-17, Denver, CO, © ASME
31. Caruntu, D.I., Taylor, K., 2011, IMECE2011-65462 Electrostatically Actuated Coupled MEMS Resonators, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition 2011, Nov 11-17, Denver, CO.
32. Caruntu, D.I., Solis Silva, J.C., 2011, IMECE2011-64854 Reduced Order Model of MEMS Sensors Near Natural Frequency ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2011, November 11-17, Denver, CO.
33. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M.W., Zapata, R.J., 2011, DSCC2011-5966 Casimir influence on NEMS cantilever resonators, Proceedings of ASME 2011 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Oct 31- Nov 2, Arlington, VA.
34. Caruntu, D.I., Zapata, R.J., Knecht, M.W., 2011, DETC2011-48367 Reduced Order Model of Nanoelectromechanical Systems to Include Casimir Effect, ASME 2011 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2011, Washington, DC.
35. Caruntu, D.I., Salinas Trevino, C.S., 2011, DETC2011-48379 On electrostatically actuated CNT bio-sensors, ASME 2011 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2011, 5th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems (MNS), August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC.
36. Caruntu, D.I., Alvarado, I., 2011, SSNDC2011-7981-33 On electrostatically actuated NEMS/MEMS circular plates, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring 2011, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, Proceedings of SPIE.
37. Caruntu, D.I., Salinas Trevino, C., 2011, SSNDC2011-7981-39 On carbon nanotube resonators, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring 2011, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, Proceedings of SPIE.
38. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2010, IMECE2010-38004 Near three half natural frequency resonance of electrostatically actuated MEMS resonators, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2010, November 12-18, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, © ASME
39. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2010, IMECE2010-38007 Sensitivity of MEMS/NEMS biosensors near twice natural frequency, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2010, November 12-18, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
40. Caruntu, D.I., 2010, DSCC2010-4258 On sensitivity of capacitive microresonators near three half natural frequency, Proceedings of 2010 Dynamic Systems & Control Conference, Sep 13-15, Cambridge, MA, © ASME
41. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2010, DETC2010-28614 Response near twice the natural frequency of electrostatically actuated MEMS, ASME 2010 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2010, Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB), August 15-18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
42. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2010, DETC2010-28612 On MEMS/NEMS biosensor sensitivity near half natural frequency, ASME 2010 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2010, Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB), August 15-18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
43. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2010, On electrostatically actuated microsenors, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring 2010, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, Proceedings of SPIE.
44. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2010, NEMB2010-13238 Nonlinear parametric resonance for NEMS and MEMS biosensor applications, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 1st Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and BiologyNEMB 2010, February 7-10, Houston, TX, © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
45. Caruntu, D.I., 2009, IMECE2009-10667 Closed-form solutions of axisymmetrical transverse vibrations of concave parabolic thickness annular plates, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2009, November 13-19, Lake Buena Vista, FL, © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
46. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2009, IMECE2009-10663 Parametric response of capacitive sensors near half of natural frequency, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2009, November 13-19, Lake Buena Vista, FL, © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
47. Caruntu, D.I., 2009, DETC2009-86779 Simultaneous resonances of geometric nonlinear nonuniform beams, ASME 2009 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2009, 21st Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB), August 30-September 2, 2009, San Diego, CA, © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
48. Caruntu, D.I., Knecht, M., 2009, DETC2009-86144 On nonlinear response of capacitive sensors, ASME 2009 Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2009, 21st Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB), August 30-September 2, 2009, San Diego, CA, © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
49. Caruntu, D.I., 2009, DSCC2009-2647 On internal resonance of nonlinear nonuniform beams, Proceedings of ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, October 12-14, 2009, Hollywood, CA, © ASME
50. Caruntu, D.I., Lozano, K., Fuentes, A., Netro, J., 2009, On nonuniform resonator sensors, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring 2009, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7292 72922N-1.
51. Caruntu, D.I., 2008, IMECE2008-67633 3-D knee biomechanics, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2008, October 31 - November 6, Boston, MA, © ASME
52. Caruntu, D.I., 2008, IMECE2008-67727 On subharmonic resonances of geometric nonlinear vibrations of nonuniform beams, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2008, October 31 - November 6, Boston, MA, © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
53. Caruntu, D.I., 2008, IMECE2008-67633 3-D knee biomechanics, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2008, Oct 31 – Nov 6, Boston, MA.
54. Caruntu, D.I., 2008, IMECE2008-67727 On subharmonic resonances of geometric nonlinear vibrations of nonuniform beams, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2008, Oct 31 – Nov 6, Boston, MA.
55. Caruntu, D.I., 2008, DSCC2008-14287 On nonlinear forced response of nonuniform beams, Proceedings of ASME 2008 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Oct 20-22, Ann Arbor, MI.
56. Caruntu, D.I., 2008, SMASIS08-599 On superharmonic resonances of nonlinear nonuniform beams, Proceedings of ASME 2008 Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems Conference, Oct 28-30, 2008, Turf Valley Resort, Ellicott City, MD.
57. Caruntu, D.I., 2007, IMECE2007-43805 On geometric nonlinear vibrations of nonuniform beams, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2007, Nov 11-15, Seattle, WA.
58. Caruntu, D.I., 2007, DETC2007-35032 Transverse vibrations of rectangular plates of linearly varying thickness, ASME Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2007, Sep 4-7 Las Vegas, NV.
59. Caruntu, D.I., 2007, DETC2007-35029 Knee joint modeling, ASME Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2007, Sep 4-7 Las Vegas, NV.
60. Caruntu, D.I., 2006, IMECE2006-15334 Sensitivity of non-uniform beams in depositing mass process, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2006.
61. Caruntu, D.I., 2006, IMECE2006-15290 On transverse vibrations of rotating non-uniform beams, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2006.
62. Caruntu, D.I., Stroe, I., 2005, IMECE2005-80307 Nonlinear vibrations of non-uniform beams including inertia effects,” ASME Proc. of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, ASME PUBLICATIONS DE 118 (2), 975-982.
63. Caruntu, D.I., 2005, IMECE2005-80903 On transverse vibrations of rectangular plates of unidirectional parabolic thickness variation, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, ASME PUBLICATIONS DE 118 (2), 1009-1012.
64. Caruntu, D.I. and Shove, C., 2005, IMECE2005-82138 Overview of payload vibration isolation systems, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, ASME PUBLICATIONS DE 118 (2), 1149-1156.
65. Sorohan, S., Parausanu, I., Motomancea, A. and Caruntu, D.I., 2005, IMECE2005-82252 Dynamic analysis of composite plates, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, ASME PUBLICATIONS DE 118 (2), 1157-1160.
66. Parausanu, I., Sorohan, S., Gheorghiu, H., Hadar, A. and Caruntu, D.I., 2005, IMECE2005-82254 Improvement of the dynamic behavior of a fan using finite element method, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, ASME PUBLICATIONS DE 118 (2), 1161-1168.
67. Stroe, I. and Caruntu, D.I., 2005, IMECE2005-80290 Systems stability using weight functions method, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, ASME PUBLICATIONS DE 118 (2), 969-974.
68. Caruntu, D.I. and Shove, C., 2004, IMECE2004-61005 Launch and on-orbit payload vibration isolation, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2004, Technical Presentation.
69. Caruntu, D.I., 2004, IMECE2004-62020 On non-axisymmetrical transverse vibrations of circular plates of convex parabolic thickness variation, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2004, ASME-PUBLICATIONS AMD 255, 335-340.
70. Caruntu, D.I., 2004, IMECE2004-61204 Exact solutions for transverse vibrations of beams and plates of parabolic thickness variation, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2004, ASME PUBLICATIONS DE 117, 605-612.
71. Spanu, C., Caruntu, D.I., Hefzy, M.S., Goel, V.K., Goitz, H.T. and Dennis M.J., 2003, Contact characteristics of the knee joint in deep knee flexion, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Sep 25-27, Toledo, OH.
72. Caruntu, D.I., and Hefzy, M.S., 2003, The function of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments in knee extension exercise, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Sep 25-27, Toledo, OH.
73. Caruntu, D.I., Hefzy, M.S., Goel, V.K., Goitz, H.T., Dennis M.J. and Agrawal, V., 2003, Modeling the knee joint in deep flexion: Thigh and Calf Contact, Proceedings of 2003 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 459-460.
74. Caruntu, D.I., Spanu, C. and Hefzy, M.S., 2003, The role of the cruciate ligaments in deep flexion, Proceedings of International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons., 23.
75. Caruntu, D.I., Hefzy, M.S., Ebraheim, N., Mekhail, A., and Yeasting, R., 2002, IMECE2002-32617 Kinematics of the human pelvis following open book injury, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2002, ASME PUBLICATIONS BED 54, 427-428.
76. Nemunaitis, G.A., Horn, L.J., Hefzy, M.S., and Caruntu, D.I., 2002, IMECE2002-33713 Assistive technology and rehabilitation through the continuum health care, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2002, © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, November 17-22, New Orleans, Louisiana.
77. Caruntu, D.I., and Hefzy, M.S., 2002, A three-dimensional mathematical dynamic simulation of the knee extension exercise: Effects of anterior cruciate ligament injury, Proceedings of the IV World Congress of Biomechanics, © Omnipress, Omnipro-CD™, Calgary, F:\pdffiles\papers\Normal 946.pdf.
78. Caruntu, D.I., 2002, On transverse vibrations’ equation of annular plates of convex parabolic thickness variation, Contemporary Research in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Proceedings of USNCTAM14, Fourteenth US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 589, Blacksburg, VA,
79. Caruntu, D.I., 2001, On axisymmetric vibration of annular plate of parabolic thickness variation by factorization of differential equation,” ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2001, ASME PUBLICATIONS DE 111, 341-344.
80. Caruntu, D.I., and Hefzy, M.S., 2001, Three-dimensional dynamic modeling of the human knee to include tibio-femoral and patello-femoral joints, ASME Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2001, ASME PUBLICATIONS BED 51, 93-94.
81. Caruntu, D.I., and Hefzy, M.S., 2001, Dynamic response of the knee joint during a simulated knee extension exercise, IFMBE Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering, IX Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing MEDICOM 2001 2, 600-603.
82. Caruntu, D.I., 2000, Factorization method in transverse vibrations of rectangular plates of linear variable thickness, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2, 1053-1060, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
83. Caruntu, D.I., 2000, Factorization method in nonuniform pipes vibration, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2, 1115-1122, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
84. Caruntu, D.I., 2000, On bending vibration of cylindrical gear tooth, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2, 1091-1098, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
85. Caruntu, D.I., 2000, On bending vibrations of nonuniform beam of constant thickness and exponential width variation, 4th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Metz, France, June 26-30.
86. Caruntu, D.I., 2000, On axisymmetrical vibrations of annular plate of quadratic thickness variation, Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquim on Computational Methods for Shell and Spatial Structures, IASS-IACM 2000, 296.pdf, Athens, Greece.
87. Caruntu, D.I., 2000, On transverse vibrations of rectangular plate of unidirectional linear thickness variation, Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquim on Computational Methods for Shell and Spatial Structures, IASS-IACM 2000, 113.pdf, Athens, Greece.
88. Caruntu, D.I., 1999, Factorization method in bending vibrations of rotating nonuniform Euler-Bernoulli beams, Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2053-2058, Copenhagen, Denmark.
89. Caruntu, D.I., 1999, On nonlinear vibrations of gear tooth, Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 3261-3268, Copenhagen, Denmark.
90. Caruntu, D.I., 1999, Nonlinear forced response on nonuniform beam with rectangular cross-section and parabolic thickness variation, Proceedings of the EUROMECH Third European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference (3rd ENOC),, Copenhagen, Denmark.
91. Stroe, I., Ceausu, V., and Caruntu, D.I., 1998, Rotating machinery with variable angular velocity, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Dynamics of Rotor Systems, 24-26 June, Kamenets-Podolsky, Ukraine, 26-28.
92. Caruntu, D.I., 1998, On nonlinear vibration of nonuniform beam with rectangular cross-section and parabolic thickness variation, Proceedings of IUTAM / IFToMM Symposium on Synthesis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, 24, Riga, Latvia.
93. Caruntu, D.I., 1998, On bending vibrations of nonuniform pipes with constant thickness, Proceedings of the 15th ECPD International Conference on Material Handling and Warehousing, 3.149-3.153, Belgrade.
94. Caruntu, D.I., 1997, Factorization method in bending vibrations of nonuniform beams, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Transmissions and Mechanisms, 232-234, © China Machine Press, Beijing.
95. Stroe, I., Ceausu, V., and Caruntu, D.I., 1997, On nonplanar beam vibrations including the effects of shearing force and cross-section rotation, Proceedings of the 7th IFToMM International Symposium on Linkages and Computer Aided Design, Theory and Practice of Mechanisms SYROM ‘97 2, 345-350, Bucharest, Romania.
96. Caruntu, D.I., 1997, Factorization method in annular plates vibrations, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2855-2862, Adelaide, Australia.
1. Voiculescu, D. and Caruntu, D.I., 2000, Mécanique Analylitique, © Printech Press, Bucharest (in French).
2. Caruntu, D.I. and Voiculescu, D., 1999, Mécanique Générale / Statique, © Printech Press, Bucharest (in French).
3. Stroe, I., Caruntu, D.I., Boiangiu, M., Motomancea, A., Dragomirescu, C., Bugaru, M., Crăifăleanu, A., Alecu, A., Iliescu, V., Untăroiu, C., Carp-Ciocârdia, C. D., Voiculescu, L., 2000, Analytical Mechanics / Applications, 2nd Edition, © Printech Press, Bucharest (1st Edition 1997).
4. Stroe, I., Caruntu, D.I., Iliescu, V., Voiculescu, L., Alecu, A., Crăifăleanu, A., Dragomirescu, C., Carp-Ciocârdia, C. D., Boiangiu, M., 2000, Kinematics / Applications, 2nd Edition, © Printech Press, Bucharest (1st Edition 1994).
5. Stroe, I., Carp-Ciocârdia, C. D., Motomancea, A. , Predoi, M. V. , Crăifăleanu, A., Alecu, A., Voiculescu, L., Buracu, V., Iliescu, V., Caruntu, D.I., Dragomirescu, C., Boiangiu, M., 2000, Dynamics / Applications, 2nd Edition, © Printech Press, Bucharest (1st Edition 1996).
6. Stroe, I., Buracu, V., Carp-Ciocârdia, C. D., Motomancea, A., Iliescu, V., Alecu, A., Caruntu, D.I., Voiculescu, L., Dragomirescu, C., Boiangiu, M., Deleanu, D., 2000, Statics / Applications, 3rd Edition, © Printech Press, Bucharest (1st Edition 1993, 2nd Edition 1996).
7. Simion, F.P., Alecu, A., Boiangiu, M., Bugaru, M., Caruntu, D.I., Iliescu, V., Orăşanu, N., Predoi, M., Ţărnă, D., Untăroiu, C., 1998, Mechanics for Engineers / Applications, © Bren Press, Bucharest.".
Ramane in final dilema: de ce nu s-a realizat in Romania, ci in SUA, o persoana atat de capabila cum este Dumitru Caruntu si de ce a reusit atatea in Romania infractoarea Crinuta Dumitran.
Hieman Helsinkiä / A little bit of Helsinki
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